Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reasonable People

We keep hearing from defenders of the CIA that reasonable people can disagree about whether or not the EIT's constitute torture.  That is a croc.  Reasonable people cannot disagree.  If someone wants to defend the actions of the CIA then do so, but stop saying that reasonable people can disagree.  They can't.  It was either wrong or it was not wrong, and if someone thinks that it was fine, then have the courage of your convictions and state that those who opposed EIT's were (and are), in fact, unreasonable.  Here's a letter that I wrote to a local columnist who tried to play the defend the CIA game while claiming that reasonable people can disagree.  Why do they couch it this way?  They are actually trying to defend themselves and their own beliefs more so than the CIA.  If reasonable people can disagree, then their own condoning of torture becomes reasonable, which makes them not a bad person but just someone on the other side of a policy dispute where "reasonable" minds can differ.

Reasonable minds don't differ.  Torture is wrong.  What the CIA did is torture.  It was wrong.  People who supported the policy and who defend it now are evil.  Here is the letter where I play the role of someone criticizing from the right:

You must not have listened to Dick Cheney.  He vehemently disputes your point that reasonable people can argue whether or not EIT's constitute torture.  He in fact said that it was not torture.  Your claiming that reasonable people can argue about whether it was torture or not is no better than what the Democrats are arguing.  It is easy for you to sit there and claim that the CIA might have tortured. 

Both the CIA and Dick Cheney emphatically state that no reasonable person could think it was torture because it was not torture.  Torture only involves permanent damage like cutting off appendages or killing people on purpose.  We did not cut any appendages off so how do you get off saying that we may have committed torture with no evidence of it at all?  Show me one single example of even possible torture in the report.  You can't because there aren't any.

Your article is giving comfort and aid to our enemies.  How dare you question the policies of our government during a time of war and come out and say the opposite of what Dick Cheney has already revealed.  Cheney stated that the CIA stayed well away from the line that constitutes torture.  Did you even bother to listen to what he said?  Did you even bother to note that the U.S. Department of Justice said that we did not torture and they pre-screened all of the interrogations.  Did you bother to read that all of these techniques are used on Navy Seals to prepare them for battle?  How are they torture if we do them to our own solders to prepare them for battle?

There was no torture and anyone who argues that there might have been torture is not reasonable, they are un-American.  You should be arguing instead, that such policies are essential to keeping America safe and should be used always against terrorists. 

It is people like you who are the true torturers and who hurt our country because you don't have the courage of your convictions and you enable terrorists.  Cheney has stated that EIT's saved America from the terrorists and they will continue to save America if people like you will stop undermining the CIA and claiming that EIT's are harsh and unsettling, an allegation for which you provide no evidence.  Maybe they seem harsh and unsettling to people like you, but certainly not to the men and women of the CIA.  They don't need your half-hearted defense which really is no defense at all.  Reasonable people want our country to be safe.  Quite calling Democrats and leftwingers reasonable. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I am deeply ashamed of the United States and I vehemently oppose its oppression of human rights all over the globe.  Some people and things are so evil that they simply have to be characterized that way.  There is no agreement to disagree here.  There is one moral position and one moral position only.  Torture is wrong.  I shall not countenance evil by debating its merits.  This is exactly what the torturers want, a place at the table.  Instead, they must be shunned, shamed and ostracized.  There can be no forgiveness until there is recognition of wrongdoing.

The United States--I condemn you.  You tortured and you continue to seek to justify torture.  You promote war and aggression all over the world.  You harass and imprison minorities within your borders.  You have over 25% of the world's prison population and yet, only 5 percent of the world's overall population.  You are evil.

George W. Bush--I condemn you.  You authorized torture and you believe that torture can be justified.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.  You went so far as to say that the torturers deserved medals.

Dick Cheney--I condemn you.  You authorized torture and you believe that torture is justified.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.  I sincerely look forward to your death by natural causes and shall plan a party in your death's honor.  You are perhaps the most vile and despicable person in the entire United States.  Congratulations.

Michael Gerson--I condemn you.  In many ways, your evil is exceptional.  You pretend to be some sort of liberal Christian who opposes fundamentalism while you lay the groundwork for torture with your writings.  I would compare you to Herman Goerring, but at least he was a war hero.  You are a little, little man.  You justify torture and you believe that torture can be justified.  You oppose disclosure of grave misdoings.  All of these things make you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

General Michael V. Hayden--I condemn you.  You tortured and you continue to believe that torture is valid.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

John McLaughlin--I condemn you.  You tortured and you continue to believe that torture is valid.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

George Tenet--I condemn you.  You tortured and you continue to believe that torture is valid.   This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

Porter Goss-- I condemn you.  You tortured and you continue to believe that torture is valid.   This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

Jose Rodriguez--I condemn you.  You tortured and you continue to believe that torture is valid.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

Alberto Gonzales--I condemn you.  You authorized torture and you believe that torture can be justified.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

Jay Bybee-- I condemn you.  You authorized torture and you believe that torture can be justified.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.  Your status as a Mormon missionary makes you a stain on an entire faith.  Your presence as a federal judge is an embarrassment to yourself and to the entire country.  You need to resign immediately.  Your son recently committed suicide.  One can only wonder if it was due to extreme shame from being your offspring.

John Yoo--I condemn you.  You wrote patently false legal opinions that authorized torture and you continue to justify torture.  I especially condemn you as a foreigner who came to the United States and engaged in these actions.  There should be a special place in hell for you, you whiny little piece of shit.

The United States Supreme Court and the Federal Judiciary--I condemn you.  You authorized and enabled torture.  The Federal Courts are full of cowardly bureaucrats.  The effects of your actions are evil.

 Congress--I condemn each and every one of you who continue to argue in favor of torture.

Saxby Chambless and John Boehner--I condemn you.  You authorized torture and you believe that torture can be justified.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

John Brennan-- -I condemn you.  You authorize torture and you believe that torture can be justified.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

The countries of Poland, Romania and Lithuania--I condemn you.  You allowed your countries to be utilized for the purposes of torture a scant decade after emerging from communist oppression.  In many ways, I condemn you most of all.  Next time that Russia comes knocking on your doors, don't expect any sympathy from me.

Christian Fundamentalists--I condemn you.  You promote torture and defend it to this day.  This makes you unredeemable as a human being.  You are evil.

Jewish Neocons--I condemn you.  You laid the groundwork for torture and you continue to advocate for torture.  You have defiled the name of good Jews the world over.  You are unredeemable as human beings.  You are evil.

The American People--Poll after poll shows that the American people support and continue to support and defend torture.  They authorize it and enable it and refuse to punish those who tortured.  You have defiled the name of the United States as a country that believes in and promotes torture.  You are no shining beacon on a hill.  The vast majority of you are unredeemable as human beings.  You are evil and I renounce you.

Anyone who voted Republican since 2002--I condemn you.  You voted for the administration that implemented torture and continued to vote Republican even after you learned about the torture.  You continue to defend torture to this very day.  You are evil.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Whither Star Wars

With the news of the forthcoming Star Wars movie by Disney and a couple of recent cartoon versions, I thought that I would put forth some of my thoughts regarding the franchise, as someone who was almost a teen when A New Hope came out--a fan of Star I am, but not a fanboy.

I was 12 when the original Star Wars movie came out.  I thought it was okay, but not great.  I thought that The Empire Strikes Back was much better, but despised the Ewoks with a passion.  They flat out ruined Return of the Jedi.  I find the prequels, with the exception of Jar Jar, and the necessary adding of useless characters like the female Yoda, to be far superior.  Jar Jar disappears as the prequels go on which shows that the creative talents could spot a loser when they wrote one.  They also ignored the execrable Ewoks and featured more of R2D2, rather than C3PO.  The creative talent explored more about the Sith and their origins, and also introduced Darth Maul, a truly great character, but unfortunately we see too little of him.  Christopher Lee's character (except for his silly name) was a far more interesting character than Yoda, who is stolen from Zen Buddhism and whose silliness becomes off-putting at times.  Mr. Miyagi was a far better and far more interesting version of this Buddhist archetype than Yoda ever was, although the differences between the characters are not great.

The prequels are darker, much more well written and far more complex.  The prequels make clear that it is Obi-won, and no one else that the six movies are ultimately about. 

What?  Obi-won is barely in episodes five and six, but like Moses, who never made it to the promised land, Obi-won remains the focus rather than Josuha, who finally led the Children from the wilderness. 

The unacknowledged secret (to many) about the Star Wars Universe is that it is the Dark Horse Comics which reign supreme.  The Dark Horse stories (and their accompanying old time radio versions)  are far more interesting, far more nuanced and far more creative than the simplistic dualistic universe of the movies.

Nevertheless, Revenge of the Sith was a singular achievement in terms of complexity.  Even though Obi-won is the hero at first glance, a closer look shows that there is a quite convincing argument that Anakin was right and the Jedi were wrong in the film, at least in terms of Republican political theory.  This makes Anakin a tragic character, rather than just a humongous jerk.

The Jedi appear to lack all legal authority for their actions at the end of Revenge of the Sith and attempt what can only be called an illegal coup.  Palpatine's actions, although evil, appear to be entirely constitutional, while those of Yoda and Mace Windu appear well-meaning but violently illegal.    This is what makes a story interesting, not Ewoks and mindless witty reparte.

Find me any scene from any action film ever that compares with the final battle between Anakin and his mentor, who loves him dearly,  in terms of excitement and pathos, not to mention that the dialogue during the battle is incisive and full of double entendres.

Going forward, however, I am not sure what the future holds.  Why Lucas and Disney ignore the far superior Dark Horse version of the Star Was Universe is unclear.  I have seen two recent cartoons dealing with the Star Wars Universe.  One was a Lego version which had a verve and humor much like Star Wars 4 at its best.  The second is called Star Wars Rebels and is simply not good at all.  I have four children who love all 6 Star Wars movies and who sort of enjoyed the Clone Wars who have told me to cancel the season's pass for Star Wars Rebels.  The animation is terrible.  The characters are hackneyed and appear to be drawn to resemble other Disney characters with a bit of anime thrown in.

Anyone interested more in what is possible going forward, should check out the audio versions of the Dark Horse Comics which deal with the return of the Emperor, Luke's loss of innocence and origin of the Sith Order.  These stories are far better than anything that I have seen in the 7 movies which have come out so far.