Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who Won Super Tuesday

While I don't think these political markets work on the day of the election, they are illustrative farther out.

It seems difficult to believe that Hillary won yesterday when she has tanked dramatically in the political markets. She is also going to be facing questions about her husband financing her campaign and just where all that money is coming from, given that the Clintons were broke on paper, when he left office.

Obama and Racism--What the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You

Racism is apparently live and well in the good ol' US of A.

Over and over, we have been told by the mainstream media that Obama is weak among working-class whites. Translation: working class whites tend to be much more racist than their more well-to-do white bretheren and would much rather have a white female as President than a black anything as President.

Second, over and over we hear that Obama is weak among older voters. Translation: old white people tend to be much more racist than younger whites and would much rather have a white female as President than a black anything as President.

Third, Hillary is strong among hispanics. Translation: hispanics and blacks do not really form some arm in arm coalition striving and struggling together, Many hispanics identify much more with whites and would much rather have a white female as President than a black anything as President.

I hope this helps clarify things.

What we still don't know is whether these remants of the more overt racism of the past are strong enough to work against Obama in the fall should he garner the nomination. My feeling is that they are not, which is a positive thing, but only time will tell.